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Popkins Cemetery Washtenaw County, MI

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Popkins cemetery is located in Washtenaw Co., MI.

A special 'thank you' to Paulette Quartermain who donated the transcribed records for this cemetery in Nov 2000. If you have any questions about the content of this data, Paulette can reached at the following email address: soozieq03@c3net.net

These names are not in alphabetical order. To activate the 'find' feature on your web browser, click on the following keys on your keyboard. For MACintosh computer: 'Apple' then 'F'. For IBM computer: 'Ctrl' then 'F'. Enter the surname of your choice and click on the 'Find' button.

Popkins, Thomas  d. 11-22-1841 age 20yr 2mo
         William  d. 6-5-1853  age 34yr 5mo
         James   d. 8-4-1847  age 61yrs 4mo
         Margaret  d. 5-23-1873 age 72
         Sylvester Richmond  no dates
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